QUIRINO DAC No. 66 – “Turning Passion into Mission” – A Quirino Way

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” – J.K. Rowling, ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

It is a great time of the year again, winning its very purpose to have a successful DeMolay Alumni Term and renew it with fresh start, continuing to have a meaningful Installation of new set of officers.

QUIRINO DEMOLAY ALUMNI CHAPTER NO. 66 is located at QUIRINO PROVINCE Region II, over the past few years, it accomplished numerous impacting projects to the community, self-improvement seminars, strengthening ties and assistance to their Active DeMolays. With these works the Chapter received the most awaited awarding of CHARTER last 22nd DANCON 2019 held in Baguio City.

Last September 21, 2019, 3:00 PM a youthful afternoon in DIFFUN MASONIC TEMPLE held their 3rd Public Installation of Officers. The event was graced by DAAP National Officers namely Executive Vice President Bro. Mark Henson S. Tio as Guest of Honour and Speaker with the theme “UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY” along with Jurisdictional Vice President North Eastern Luzon Dennis G. Perez who delivered a Closing Message for the continuing success of the Chapter, Jurisdictional Vice President NCR-A Ryan Ritch Gregorio and Board of Director for Luzon Rafael John “RJ” M. Mendoza. WM Dad Loreto Ignacio of Diffun Masonic Lodge 317, VW Dad Gilbert Pagulayan of Saranay Masonic Lodge and VW Dad Clemente Salvador of Diffun Masonic Lodge are also present to the said event.

Ceremonious exemplification of the Installation was delivered by Escudo DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 4 led by Installing Officer Bro. Jerick G. Gempesaw, Chev., PMC., P.P., with his team Bro. Ryan Ritch A. Gregorio P.P., Installing Marshall , Bro Rafael John “RJ” M. Mendoza , PMC., P.P ,. as Installing Senior Deacon , Bro. Jonas P. Domingo, Incumbent President as Installing Chaplain.

Committed and Passionate outgoing President Marvelous “Mike” S. Meña thanked his family for continuously guiding his entire DeMolay career specially to his late father Dad VW Manuel T. Mena, for making him even more responsible in becoming better person who has great humility in his actions.  Proudly said “We accomplished activities in accordance to our obligatory days, adopt a School, Monthly Papawis, gift giving and Medical Missions. “… “I would like to remind us what our journey at DeMolay taught us, that we have an obligation First to our family, to God, to Country, to DeMolay and lastly to ourselves. A brand of a good and responsible man is to find time for all of these. “   A successful ending speech indeed making good memories, adventurous, meaningful and educational term.

While the ceremony advances to its installation EVP Bro. Mark Henson “Enzo” S. Tio of DAAP gave his message and emphasis to wish the best for the chapter. “Individual differences should not hinder us to become better persons. Different culture should not stop us to have a better world. Different perspective should not stop us to be kind. Different language should not hold us to understand more and communicate less. “ “I truly believe that the Order of DeMolay is a testimony that Unity through Diversity can help attain a better world. We are an attestation to this and thus Motto…”No DeMolay shall fail as Citizen, as Leader and as a man.” He ended the speech with a challenge “Once a DeMolay, Soon to be Master Mason in their own freewill”.  Brother EVP Enzo is hoping that someday, the Senior DeMolays of Quirino in their own timeline will have interest joining Freemasonry.

The energetic and optimistic officers are set in line to prove that their cause is ever worthy, to continue the longer success of Quirino DAC No. 66 who is leaded by President: Bro. Prince John Harold F. Chen, PMC. Chev. along with Vice President: Bro. Mark Kervin L. Pagatpatan, PMC , Secretary : Bro. Dominic T. Salvador, Chev. , Treasurer: Bro. Carlo Angelo P. Pagulayan, Auditor: Bro. Yran Don S. Itchon , Chaplain: Bro. Marvin N. Benitez , PRO: Bro. Derek I. Aertssens and Bro. Nel Shurney B. Fiesta.

President Elect Bro. Prince John Harold F. Chen also a Member of Escudo DAC No. 4, Past Master Councilor and a Chevalier awardee on his speech, he solicited support and full cooperation to his term. He added that he will continue to strengthen what was started. He envisioned providing innovative projects that will contribute personal and professional improvements. Also he encouraged the members to continually tie the bonds of everlasting brotherhood for the success of any projects and occasion.  “By unity we will be successful “as he ends his inaugural address.

Before the end of the program, Brother Immediate Past President Marvelous “Mike” S. Meña gave spice to end the event by giving a Plaque of Recognition to those members who rendered extra time and effort by making the 2018 – 2019 term even more successful. “The Chapter’s Real MVP Award “and was awarded to Bro. Bernard Baui, MD., Bro Rafael John “RJ” Mendoza, Bro. Yran Don S. Itchon and Bro. Marvin N. Benitez.

The event was made successful by the joint effort of QDAC and members of DAD Macario R. Ramos Sr. Mem Chapter. Quirino DeMolay would like to thank as well, our every supportive Bro. Aaron Paul C. Cabe, PMC., for his never ending enthusiasm, assistance and love as Charter President. To the kind hospitality of Bro. Derek I. Aertssens who took care of the guest during their stay. Also to Bro. Nel Shurney B. Fiesta and Bro. Bernard Baui Quirino which made a memory full of adventure and Life time experience, by giving the taste of QUIRINO Adventure at  Governor’s Rapids and Landingan View Deck, Nagtipunan.