Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 Installs Advisory Council for 2022-2023


Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5, Order of DeMolay successfully held its public installation of their Advisory Council for the year 2022-2023 on Friday, July 15, 2022, at the Borromeo Masonic Hall, Cebu City. Dad VW Angelo A. Mangao, Visayas Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master, headed the installation as the Installing Officer.

The following Dad Masons and Senior DeMolays were duly and regularly installed in their respective positions:
Chairman of the Advisory Council: Dad WB Niño A. Nemeño
Chapter Advisor: Dad VW Lock S. Sestoso
Associate Chapter Advisor: Dad VW Jeff Edward L. Pintac
Activities Advisor: Dad VW Janby Earl H. Yu
Associate Activities Advisor: Dennis Radmar E. Sayson
Finance/Scribe Advisor: Dad Kieth Geoffrey W. Siao
Ritual Advisor: Dad Reuben D. Maandig
Membership Advisor: Dad WB Marlon L. Ko
Associate Membership Advisor: Edward L. Ko
Awards Advisor: Dad Bryan S. Renejane
Associate Awards Advisor: Vince L. Pintac
Athletics Advisor: Dad Jason Charles A. Arquisola
Associate Athletics Advisor: Charles Enrique V. Aligway
Masonic and Public Relations: Dad WB Eden M. Perales
Ways and Means: Dad VW Julian T. Yap Jr.
Associate Ways and Means: Jonathan Edward V. Rafanan
Plans and Programs: Dad Rodney Rex F. Lerias

The Appointed Executive and Deputy Executive Officers for Region VII-A also took their oath. The following Dad Masons were duly and regularly installed in their respective offices:
Executive Officer: Dad Douglas S. Tan, FSLCF and
Deputy Executive Officers: Dad Joseph Raymond L. Juaneza, FSLCF

The bond between the Chapter’s active and senior members and the Advisory Council has never been stronger. They exude enthusiasm to work as one in taking the Chapter to even greater heights For God, For Country, For DeMolay!

Credits to Bro. Charles Eden M. Perales, PMC, RMC, KT