9th Public Installation of Officers of Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46


The Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46 has successfully conducted its 9th Public Installation of Officers last 26 November 2022 at Civil Service Club Bukit Batok, Singapore.

The Officers would like to thank all the brethren for being very supportive during the 9th Public Installation of Officers for Term 2022-2023. We would like to express and extend our gratitude to all who made this momentous event possible.

To our Guest Speaker, Freemason Dad Tan Boon Cho, Worshipful Master of Lodge St. Andrew No.1437 S.C. – Singapore, Grand Lodge of Scotland for coming to speak at our Installation event. We truly appreciate it. Your talk has provided us extremely valuable insights that will help us reach our goals.

Our utmost appreciation to the Installing Team:

Installing Officer Bro. Legionnaire Alvin Llanderal, Chev., LOH, COH, (President of Escudo DeMolay Alumni Chapter No.4)

Installing Marshall Bro. Pauline Rey Silmonet (Escudo DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 4)

Installing Chaplain Bro. Legionnaire John Louie E. Marfil, Chev., LOH, (Past President – Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46).

Our utmost respect to our Chapter Advisor who gave their time for the event;

Bro. Christopher M. Regudo, FSLCF

Worshipful Master – Horsburgh Lodge No. 7533 – Singapore, United Grand Lodge of England

Supreme Council Order of DeMolay Philippines Grand Representative of Singapore

Bro. Apollo Cogal

The Lodge of St. George No. 1152, E.C – Singapore, United Grand Lodge of England

Special thanks to Dad Karl Geoff Villegas, Past Worshipful Master – Lodge of St. Andrew No. 1437 S.C. Singapore and to Dad Almond Lobaton, Dasmariñas Lodge No.346 RIV-A.

And most of all, the Public Installation would not be possible without the help our very own, Charter and Chapter members of the Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46. Also, Special thanks to Bro. Ernesto Sasil Jr., PMC, KT, Past President – Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46 who submissively obliged to push through despite all challenges faced by the alumni chapter.

Again, thank you and we wish everyone to be successful and have a meaningful term.

A Message from the President

“Brethren (my fellow officers) we are all called to be active in service, and I encourage each of you to seek out your own role and way to get involved, and then pursue it with passion and enthusiasm- we rely on that to keep the Alumni Chapter vibrant and active in our community.

I ask each of you to follow me to think of how we will make FDSAC a little brighter this year, how we will shine our light on a project or initiative to make it more successful, how we will support and attend Chapter events- because that’s how we brighten up everyone else’s world.

Always remember that our Comradeship binds us as DeMolays together so that we can build a lifelong brotherhood. To be a friend is one of the highest honors, but being a brother involves strong ties of loyalty and trust.

To our Installing Team (DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines), Installing Officer Brother Alvin Llanderal- Legionnaire, Chevalier, COH, Legion of Honor, President of Escudo DeMolay Alumni Chapter No.4 and also our DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines National Secretary.

Installing Marshal Brother Pauline Rey Silmonet of Escudo DeMolay Alumni Chapter No.4 thank you so much for taking out the time from your busy schedule in the Philippines and come over here in Singapore to install our Officers.

Installing Chaplain Brother DeMolay Brother John Louie Marfil – a Freemason from Lodge St. Andrew No. 1437, S.C. and a DeMolay Chevalier, Legion of Honor and FDSAC #46 Past President, thank you so much Bro.

Thank you so much to our Chapter Advisors;

Brother DeMolay/ Freemason Dad Chris Regudo- Horsburgh Lodge No. 7533 Singapore Worshipful Master 2022-2023 (United Grand Lodge of England) and Supreme Council Order of DeMolay Philippines Grand Representative of Singapore.

Brother DeMolay/Freemason Dad Apollo Cogal- The Lodge of St. George No.1152 Singapore (United Grand Lodge of England).

And thank you so much to our Guest Dad Karl Geoff Villegas- Past Worshipful Master of Lodge St. Andrew No.1437 S.C. Singapore (Scottish Rite) and Freemason Dad Almond Lobaton.

On behalf of FDSAC #46, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude. We truly appreciate your contribution and look forward to having you back soon.

Brethren let’s keep the 7 candles burning in our heart. Long Live DeMolay!”

FDSAC#46 2022 President Andronico Auxtero