The Wadih C. Saab Chapter has installed its new set of the Advisory Council. The new set of officers and members are as follows:

WB Danny V. Maandig as Chairman of the Advisory Council , VW Ely Olifernes as Vice Chairman, Brother Aldwin Joson as Chapter Dad Advisor and Brother Raynard Delute as the Associate Chapter Dad Advisor. The others are: VW Jerry O. Booc as the Finance Advisor/ Treasurer, Brother Jude Thaddeus T. Tan as the Awards Advisor, Brother Leonardo Campilan as the Membership Advisor, WM Luis Uy and WM Melchor P. Cañedo as members of the Advisory Council, Brother Raul S. Abejo as the Associate Ritual Advisor, Brother Reynald Tan as the Auditor and Associate Finance Advisor and Brother Earl Lolo as the Associate Activities Advisor.

Right after the Installation, the new set of Advisory Council Officers and members present had an early dinner-briefing with Brother Jude Thaddeus Tan, the former Chapter Dad.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier