Tolentino Father and Sons join the DeMolay Crusades


The Tolentino Father and Sons pledged their support to the Centennial Crusades and were pinned and collared during the National Centennial Ritual Competition held in Cebu, last March 9, 2019.

Bro. Philip “Pipoy” M. Tolentino is a member of Ambrosio A. Flores Chapter and has already Championed in the Flower Talk (99th Founding Anniversary Ritual Competition) and Ceremony of Light (NCR Regional Ritual Qualifiers), in just one year of his membership in the Order.

Bro. Jacob “Kobi” M. Tolentino is a Past Master Councilor, also from Ambrosio A. Flores Chapter, a dual member with A. Mabini Chapter, a Past Regional Master Councilor for NCR-South, a Past Illustrious Knight Commander of Thomas Michael Sherry Priory with the Degree of Ebon, a Founder’s Membership Awardee, a Blue Honor Key Awardee, and a Meritorious Service Awardee.

Dad Eugene R. Tolentino is a Past Master of Quezon City Lodge No. 122, a Past District Grand Lecturer for Masonic District NCR-E, a past Chapter “Dad” Advisor of Ambrosio A. Flores Chapter, and the incumbent Deputy Executive Officer for NCR-North.

The Centennial Crusades are offered for Active DeMolays, Senior DeMolays, Master Masons, and specially invited distinct individuals, for the purpose of sustaining the DeMolay Movement in the Philippines through the DeMolay Leadership Training Academy which will empower the next century of DeMolays in the country.

Credits to Bro. Jacob “Kobi” Tolentino