SCOD Grand Master, the Honorable Edison, recently met with then Vice-President Jejomar C. Binay, Sr who is a DeMolay Legionnaire, a member of the Loyalty Chapter (Circa 1960), and of the Loyalty DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 13.

GM Abella was accompanied by Leg. Eric Atanacio, Chairperson of the DeMolay Centennial Celebration in the Philippines, and Bro. Barry Poliquit who was DAAP Past President and a member of the Serafin V. Aguilar Chapter in Bacolod City.

Leg. Jojo Binay pledged his full support in this once in a lifetime celebrations and enjoined all DeMolays to do the same.

More details of the meeting will be written by Bro. Barry Poliquit and will soon be published on this site.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier