The ONLY DeMolay Chapter Room in the Philippines of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay (SCOD) was inaugurated December 8 as scheduled. This was after it underwent repairs and renovation that began 58 days ago or last October 12.

In an edict issued by SCOD Grand Master Hon. Edison Abella LOH DGC, the hall was perpetually named as the “MW DAD ROSENDO C. HERRERA HALL” in honor of his dedication to the Order and his untiring work that led to the creation of the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center (PDYC) edifice in September 2000.

In his speech, MW Dad Herrera thanked GM Abella, the SCOD and all DeMolays for the humbling act. He also spoke about his hopes for the existence of other PDYCs in areas in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

He also reiterated the bond between the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines and the SCOD which granted the use of the site by the PDYC in perpetuity.

At present, DeMolays in the country, particularly the Active DeMolays, use the halls of Masonic Lodges as Chapter rooms to conduct their rituals and other ceremonies.

MW Dad Herrera and his family graced the occasion. Also in attendance were the PGMs and past and current Grand Line Officers of SCOD, DeMolay-Masons, Senior and Active Demolays, among others.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier