The first ever degree conferral of Tanza Chapter No. 108—Order of DeMolay—took place on January 8, 2023, at Saint Augustine Masonic Temple in Tanza, Cavite.

With the immense efforts of our Executive Officer for Region IV- A Cavite, Leg. Raymond J. Salazar, Regional Master Councilor Maverick Bill A. Flor, National Junior Councilor – Illustrious Knight Commander Jessie A. Galicia III, and Solid Cavite DeMolays, the ceremony was a success, and 11 new brothers were welcomed to the Order.

Remarkable dignitaries were present, namely: Dad Right Worshipful Raul Canon, Junior Grand Warder of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines of F. & A. M., Dad Very Worshipful George Fojas, District Deputy Grand Master of Cavite Central, Dad Worshipful Master Joel Papa, and several Past Masters and Dads from Saint Augustine Masonic Lodge No. 300 F. & A. M., their sponsoring body.
Welcome to our newest brothers. The whole DeMolay family wishes you the very best with your chapter!
Credits to Bro. Lawrence Nathaniel David Agres, LGLCF