More DeMolay Crusaders Receive Their Centennial Regalia


Master Masons from Bataan took their oaths as Active Life Members of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay and individually received their collars and regalia as Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows.

Grand Master Edison Abella of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay led the oath taking of the new SCOD members and conferred the collar and regalia as Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows to the following Master Masons in simple ceremonies this week: DeMolay Chevalier Mabini R. Pulido, Jr. (SCOD’s Executive Officer for Region III-A), Brothers Domer Rubiano and Adrian Lemuel Sanchez, all of Meridian Masonic Lodge No. 268.

Grand Master Abella also pinned to 13 year old Active DeMolay Romel Christian R. Caragay of Meridian Heights Chapter his Louis Gordon Lower Centennial Fellow Medallion, who was accompanied by his father, VW Romeo Caragay of Luis J. Reyes Lodge No. 224, a Frank S. Land Centennial Fellow as well.

Also, Master Mason Mckentyre V. Cabrera of Saigon Lodge No. 188 received his Frank S. Land Centennial Fellow collar and regalia.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier