MEN of DeMolay Singapore


In November 2009, a group of Senior DeMolays working in Singapore with extension arm of different DeMolay Chapters in the Philippines formed a group. The purpose of the organization was to continue the camaraderie and fellowship established in their Mother Chapters. The group was named “Filipino DeMolay Singapore (FDS)”. It is within the historic perspective that the Filipino DeMolay Singapore Alumni Chapter No. 46, was born and instituted on December 14, 2011.

FILIPINO DeMOLAY SINGAPORE ALUMNI CHAPTER No. 46 known through its acronym “FDSAC46” for brevity. The FDSAC46, its Officers and Members owe allegiance to and adhere to the principle, goals and objectives of the Order of DeMolay, DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines, DAAP and the Supreme Council of the Philippines, SCOD.


To become active and potent force in the growth and development of society internationally.

The FDSAC46 shall have two-fold purposes which are:

1) To act as the umbrella organization and governing body of all the Senior DeMolay here in Singapore and

2) To serve as the partner of the Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay of the republic of the Philippines in the propagation and promotion of the ideals of the Order of DeMolay among the youth.

The Objectives of the FDSAC are the following:

To encourage and institutionalize the program of networking and linkage among all DeMolay Alumni Chapters and Senior DeMolays, local and/ or international, in order to strengthen the fraternal ties and enhance the individual and collective potential of the members.

To plan and undertake viable, profitable and sustainable projects in order to increase and maintain its social and economic commitment to its members and the society.

  1. To undertake worthy charitable works and other programs aimed to promote the civic mindedness of the FDSAC and its members
  2. To give recognition, in cooperation with the Supreme Council, to Senior DeMolays for their loyalty, enthusiasm and exemplary labors in working for the interest and honor of the DeMolay.

FDSAC46 have 60+ members (about 30 active).

FDSAC46 were registered and recognized as a Filipino socio-civic group by the Philippine Embassy Singapore (Since 2012)

FDSAC46 members come from diverse professional backgrounds (e.g. IT, business, medicine, etc.)