Masons from All Over Receive their Crusades Regalia


Master Masons from all over the country came to the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center in Manila to take their oaths as Active Life Members of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay and receive their Frank S. Land Centennial Fellow Regalias.

No less than the Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, Hon. Edison Abella, personally conferred the Frank S. Land Centennial Fellow Regalias to the following Master Masons in separate ceremonies during the past few days: Brothers Randy de Leon, Salvador Dizon, Romulo Pisig and Nestor Tampol (SCOD’s Executive Officer for Region IV-A), all from Mt. Mainam Lodge No. 49; Rogelio Torrices of Teodoro M. Kalaw (SCOD’s Executive Officer for Region I-C) of Lodge No. 136; George Pascual (represented by his DeMolay son, Justine Michael Pascual) of Leonard Wood Lodge No. 105, Erwin Ocampo (SCOD’s Executive Officer for Region III-E) of Pilar Lodge No. 15, Jose Emmanuel Lim of Isagani Lodge No. 96; VW Romeo Caragay of Luis J. Reyes Lodge No. 224, and Richard Wong Ying Wai of Manila Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 1.

Grand Master Abella announced that he will be available for collaring and pinning of the DeMolay Centennial Crusades regalia and medallions on Monday, February 18, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Originally, February 18th was not included in the schedule but Grand Master Abella cancelled his business trip to allow more time for said conferrals.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier