Last 26th July 2021, the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines (SCODRP) Administrative Staff led by the Executive Director Ms. Cristina “Ting” M. Sordan completed the ISO 9001:2015 Implementation Courses.
Earlier, they completed the requirements of ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for Auditing Management System and ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management System. Both courses are still considered mandatory and essential to business operations and to realize the implementation and certification with ISO 9001:2015.

The SCODRP Staff were Ms. Florence Nicolas (Membership Data), Ms. Regiely Casidsid (DeMolay Store) and Mr. Dan Baynohan (Building Maintenance).
CGM Adriano B. Durano III supports this move and spearheads the continuous improvement on the SCOD’s delivery of services to all Chapters and DeMolays in the Philippines and elsewhere around the world.
“With this completion, the real challenge is bound to begin very soon wherein the effects shall be beneficial to all interested parties and stakeholders. It’s all systems go for continuous improvement and professional development, “ says Bro VW Mckentyre “Mac” V. Cabrera who conducted the two-Monday event.
Bro. Mac Cabrera (Chev., KT, Ebon, GMCK) who hails from the Narra Chapter No. 42 in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija is the General Manager and Principal Consultant of Capitol Design and Consultancy Services (CDC) based in Quezon City.
Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier, LOH, CSK, EBON, FSLCF