Every organization owes its existence to someone. Usually someone with an idea, and with the energy and inspiration to make that idea a reality. We refer to this special class of people as founders.

Order of DeMolay owes it’s existence to Dad Frank Sherman Land. Near the end of the World War I, Dad Land became concerned with the problems of boys who had lost their fathers. He thought “how lonely it must be for a boy not to have a man to talk with, or a man to provide some type of inspiration and direction.” Dad Land decided there was a need for an organization where boys would have the opportunity to associate with other boys, a place they could share common interests, learn responsibility and other skills that would benefit them throughout their lives. His ideal model for this organization included having business or professional men, Masons, taking interest in the young people, being a friend to them, advising them, and perhaps even providing them with employment opportunities.

Dad Land worked tirelessly for the Order of DeMolay until his death on November 8, 1959. Hundreds of other devoted workers aided in the creation and extension of the Order of DeMolay, but looked to one man for guidance. Frank S. Land was the charismatic leader of the Order. Frank S. Land was truly a great man, a proud American, and a person who came to be known by millions, simply as “Dad”. Frank Land’s life touched, and continues to impact generation after generation of young people, young men looking to better themselves by emulating the lessons and examples by which he himself lived.

Credits to Bro. Jerick Arellano Gempesaw, Chevalier