Acacia DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 35, Iloilo City


Last June 17, 2018 was a very special and significant day for the Acacia DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 35.

It was special because of two reasons :

1st, an opportunity to introduce ADAC No. 35 once again to the DeMolay & Masonic families.

2nd, it was just the second time in its 18 years of existence that it celebrated the meaningful Alumni Installation Ceremony. And because it has been away for a long time, let us introduce once again ADAC No. 35 to everybody.

Brief Background and History of ADAC No. 35

Why Acacia?

The Acacia, as some of us are already familiar with, is a large genus of shrubs and trees believed to be native to Africa and Australia. Among its uses are as flour and protein source from its seeds. Also, its hard wood is used as timber for weapons, fuel and even musical instruments. When grounded, its leaves are used as medicinal ointment to treat some skin ailments. The hardened-sap, known as Acacia Gum from various Acacia species may be used as food emulsifier binder for water color painting or even for fireworks. Symbolically, however the Acacia stands for renewal, endurance, fortitude and pureness. In Freemasonry, it symbolizes the immortality of the soul because of the evergreen nature of this bush. Furthermore, ancient tale has it that the instructions of the Ark of the Covenant was written on Acacia wood. It is within this context, therefore, that our Alumni Chapter was named after the Acacia.


The Acacia DeMolay Alumni Chapter #35 (ADAC #35) traces its roots back to early 1999 when the then SCOD Deputy Grand Master for Visayas, Ill. Alipio Ykalina II, inspired a group of Senior DeMolays from the G.L. Jaena Chapter to form their own Alumni Chapter in Iloilo City. It was not until late 1999 that a core group was formed and subsequently elected Bro. Chito F. Hallares, PMC, PJMC, assist Charter President and without wasting so much time, the pioneering Officers were then installed on Jan. 15, 2000 at the Iloilo Masonic Temple by our brethren from the Garde Du Corps Alumni Chapter #11 with Bro. Rene V. Aurelio as Installing Officer. Notably, the Letters Temporary was granted also on the same day.

Unfortunately, after its first and only Public Installation, ADAC No. 35 went through a series of ups and downs and ultimately fading out gradually for several years through some episodes of controversies and difficulties due to a variety of reasons.

ADAC No. 35 Today

Fast forward to 2018, after years of marginal, doubtful, and dormant status, the Acacia DeMolay Alumni No. 35 with the support, advice and encouragement of the DAAP Leadership and guidance from some Brethren from Escudo DAC No. 4 was REACTIVATED last March 25 , 2018 after DAAP National President Bro. Angelo A. Mangao, Chev. approved the Chapter’s REACTIVATION. This was only a mere one month after the process was initiated and spear headed by Bro. PJ E. Martinez, PMC, with the full hearted cooperation of the CORE Members of the REACTIVATING Group of Brethren namely : Nonoy, Neque, Rito, Dennis, Gids, Jan Mark, Thomas, Francis, Rafael, Ray, Ancis, Aljefry, Ham, Jelo, Chito
and PJ.

ADAC No. 35 moving forward

Thus, on June 17, 2018 with the addition of our new members namely: Brethren Marvin, Rein, Joeben, Jason, Rigil, Marco, JM and Rommel. Acacia DeMolay Chapter No. 35 held its 2nd Public Installation at the Iloilo Masonic Temple with Bro. Avin L. Llanderal, Chev., LOH as Installing Officer leading a composite Team from the Visayas & Mindanao. Doubly memorable was the fact that our very own DAAP National President Bro. Angelo A. Mangao, Chev., was the Guest of Honor & Guest Speaker during the momentous occasion and ADAC No. 35 will forever be grateful for his unwavering support and trust on the Officers and members of ADAC No. 35.

Thus, after a checkered past, Acacia DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 35 just like the hard and strong Acacia is back renewed and enduring with fortitude , pureness and strength.

“Acacia DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 35 is back and moving forward to greater heights.”