Our Senior DeMolays, led by the newly elected president Bro. Edsel A. Talatala together with the members of Garde Du Corps DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 11 and DeMolay Masons of Kanlaon Lodge No. 64 joined the 2nd Visayas Jurisdictional Forum at Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental hosted by Leon Kilat DeMolay Alumni Chapter No. 44 last November 23, 2019.

The DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines officers conducted the forum led by the DAAP National President Bro. Angelo Mangao and the Jurisdictional Vice President for Western Visayas Bro. Kirk Patrick B. Tenerife. Also present were brethren from other alumni chapters in Visayas.

The Garde Du Corps Alumni Chapter No. 11 will be hosting the next Visayas Jurisdictional Forum in 2020 here in Bacolod City.

Credits to DeMolay Bacolod FB Page