The Grand Master’s Christmas Message


As we prepare for another eventful and fruitful DeMolay year, we should look beyond the strategic direction of the 122 DeMolay Chapters; 22 Knighthood Priories, 21 Chevalier Courts, and 3 Legion of Honor Preceptories. We should strengthen our Mothers’ and Parents’ Club throughout the Philippines. We shall continue to publish and circulate the DeMolay Cordon Philippines Magazine. We will reach out to the regions the different strategic leadership, management and planning courses facilitated by the Philippine DeMolay Leadership Academy.

On behalf of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines, its Grand Line Officers, Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Masters, its Executive Officers and their Deputies, and all the Active Members, I thank you all for your devotions, your energy, your ideas, and your dedication to the Order of DeMolay.

May you experience the joy, peace, tranquility, and happiness of the holiday season.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

Grand Master