The Supreme Council Order of DeMolay paid tribute to Dad Frank S. Land and Dad Macario R. Ramos Sr. with a Wreath Laying ceremony, in their honor, during a packed yet subdued celebration of Dad Frank S. Land Memorial Day last November 8, 2020.

The lobby of the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center, where the golden busts of both Dad Land and Dad Ramos are located, was the venue for the said ceremony. Flowers and words were offered in homage to the two pillars of the Order, who were very instrumental in the growth of the DeMolay movement both globally and locally. The former was the founding father of the Order of DeMolay worldwide, while, the latter was the founding father of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines.

Practicing social distancing, brethren who were physically present lined the walls of the PDYC lobby to honor Dad Frank S. Land and Dad Macario R. Ramos Sr.  Brother Felipe Del Rosario, the Executive Officer of the National Capital Region-South, presided over the Wreath Laying by opening the ceremony with a preamble. The Grand Junior Councilor, Brother Albert Manlulu, was the first to offer flowers and tribute to Dad Frank S. Land, after which, Brother Ericson Atanacio, the Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master for Luzon offered flowers and gave tribute to the first Grand Master of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines, Dad Macario R. Ramos Sr.

Before the wreaths were laid, the Deputy Grand Master of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay Brother Edward Chua gave a powerful and moving invocation, which paid tribute not only to both Dad Land and Dad Ramos, but also to SCOD members and DeMolay brethren who gave up their lives recently as frontline medical personnel fighting the war against the Covid 19 virus.

Several Grand Line Officers led by the Honorable Grand Master Adriano Durano III, together with the Executive Officers and their deputies, and most of the Past Grand Masters and Honorary Past Grand Masters of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay, who couldn’t be physically present due to the restrictions brought about by strict health protocols and pandemic controls, witnessed the whole ceremony via Zoom. Guest dignitaries from other supreme councils abroad and a good number of Active and Senior DeMolays from all parts of the nation and around the globe also viewed the ceremony via Zoom, as well.

The Wreath Laying ceremony for Dad Frank S. Land and Dad Macario R. Ramos Sr. ushered in the public ceremonies part of the Dad Frank S. Land Memorial Day celebrations of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay.

Credits to Bro. Alvin Llanderal, Chev., LOH