SCOD Leads Flag Raising Ceremony at GLP


At the onset of the term of MW Romeo S. Momo as the Grand Master of Masons in April 2018, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines (GLP) had initiated the regular conduct of the Flag Raising Ceremony every Monday at 7:00 a.m. at the GLP compound.

On June 18, 2018, Hon. Edison Abella, Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay (SCOD) led the Flag Raising Ceremony with the GLP and SCOD officers and employees, including those other Masonic appendant bodies holding offices at the GLP compound, in attendance. Grand Master Abella was joined by Hon. Victor Antonio T. Espejo, Immediate Past Grand Master of SCOD, Brother Chevalier Datu Pax Ali Sangki-Mangudadatu, National Master Councilor, Ms. Jasmine Olay, National Congress Sweetheart, together with some of the younger Active DeMolays coming from the different DeMolay Chapters in Metro Manila.

Grand Master Abella briefly talked about Patriotism as one of the Seven Cardinal Virtues of the Order of DeMolay, which includes giving honor and respect to the Flag of the nation at all times. After the flag ceremony, Grand Master Abella hosted the breakfast with MW Romeo S. Momo and the other Grand Line Officers and Master Masons of GLP.