As part of a packed albeit subdued celebration of the Dad Frank S. Land Memorial Day, the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines held its 2020 Special Session last Sunday, November, 8, 2020 at the MW Dad Rosendo Herrera Hall of the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center in Manila. Because of the continued threat of the pandemic due to the Corona virus, only a few selected officers and members of the SCOD were allowed to physically attend the said session, while the other officers and members joined the session, virtually, via Zoom.

The 2020 SCOD Special Session started at 9:30 in the morning at the MW Dad Rosendo Herrera Hall and was presided over by Grand Junior Councilor Brother Albert V. Manlulu. The Honorable Grand Master of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay Adriano B. Durano III, meanwhile, formally opened the said Special Session via Zoom. Other SCOD dignitaries physically present during the Special Session were the following; Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master for Luzon Brother Ericson Atanacio, Grand Legal Counsel Brother Joselito Bulawin, Grand Chaplain Brother Jhayson Albelda, Grand Senior Steward Brother Rowan Labro, and Executive Officers Brother Felipe Del Rosario for NCR-South and Brother Raymond Salazar for R-IV-A Cavite.
The various dignitaries who were present via Zoom were the following; Deputy Grand Master Edward Chua, Grand Secretary PGM Evaristo Leviste, Grand Treasurer PGM Rodel Riezl Reyes, Grand Auditor PGM Victor Antonio Espejo, Past Grand Master Edison Abella, Honorary Past Grand Master Cornelius Van Luspo, Honorary Past Grand Master Romeo Ramos and Honorary Past Grand Master Albert Tan.
The Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master for Visayas and the DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines National President Brother Angelo Mangao was also present via Zoom together with Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master for Mindanao Brother Jose Rizalino Ortega. Several of the Executive Officers and Deputy Executive Officers, representing the various jurisdictions of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay, likewise, attended the session via Zoom.
Special distinguished dignitaries from the different supreme councils from abroad were invited and made their presence felt too. In attendance from the International Supreme Council of DeMolay International was recent Manila visitor, Past Grand Master and current Grand Secretary Dad Gregory Kimberling and the Grand Master of DeMolay Canada, Honorable Ernest Loiselle. Although they weren’t able to attend and witness the Special Session, the current Grand Master of the International Supreme Council of DeMolay International, Honorable Marc B. Bohn and Honorable Trevor Green, Grand Master of the Supreme Council of DeMolay Australia sent their written messages of solidarity and well wishes for the 2020 Special Session.
The highlights of the 2020 Special Session were the approval of the extension of the current term of the all elected and appointed Grand Line Officers of the SCOD to one more year from March 2021 to March 2022 and the formal and official numbering of all DeMolay Chapters and Knighthood Priories under the jurisdiction of the SCOD.
Credits to Bro. Alvin Llanderal, Chev., LOH