On July 17, 2022, Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 conducted an Orientation for Upcoming Prospects of the Chapter. A recruitment banner was posted in the Chapter’s Official Page beforehand and a total of 10 interested strangers heeded our call. During the orientation, seven (7) young men attended to learn more about the Order and how one may join.

The orientation was led by Brother Junior Councilor Adam Owen M. Vento with the assistance of Brother Master Councilor Johannes Paolo A. Pioquinto, KT and Brother Past Master Councilor Luis Alejandro M. Tugonon, KT. The parents of each prospect were also present during the orientation for their knowledge and awareness on the journey that their sons are about to embark. Various topics and icebreakers were discussed during the orientation as well as questions from both parents and sons on what the order is all about. Many Active DeMolays were also present to enlighten the audience on their personal experiences during their time in the brotherhood.

After the orientation, both active brothers and prospects gathered in a casual conversation to get to know each other more and communicate closely with each other. It was a successful orientation which awed not only the audience but also the actives who have met and greeted their incoming brothers once they have successfully passed their petitioning process.
Credits to Bro. Adam Owen M. Vento, JC