Kia Ora! We Are Aotearoa DeMolay Ltd.


Senior DeMolays from various chapters in the Philippines assembled for a night of fellowship, refreshments, bonding and planning.

Much like how the Templars, when they crossed the Mediterranean Sea from France with just a handful of members, eventually became the most influential Order of Knights – The DeMolay’s in New Zealand, continuously growing in number aims to become a well-recognized organization in the country. To create programs and activities not only for their young kins but also for the local youth that are increasingly getting involved in organized crimes and other illegal activities.

We are here at the edge of the world. We are here to stay. And we will make sure that our stay will be a pleasant and fruitful one

Credits to Bro. Edmar Mendoza
Photo credits to Bro. Jason Alipao and Bro. Kenny Palisoc