A number of Executive Officers, Deputy Executive Officer, Advisory Council Chairmen, Chapter Dads and other members of the Advisory Council gathered at the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center (PDYC) for the ‘High Perfomance DeMolay Advisor Development Program’ or Hi-Per D.A.D. Program.

The Hi-Per D.A.D’s first one-day activity under the Philippine DeMolay Leadership Academy was done yesterday Saturday, September 7 at the MW Dad Rosendo C. Herrera Hall at the PDYC.

With the mentorship and guidance of the Brother Eric Atanacio, the Training Director, the Brethren present exchanged views beneficial and in furtherance of the DeMolay movement in the archipelago.

The next Hi-Per D.A.D Course is on Sunday, September 15 at the PDYC.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier