Group of Masons from Crescent Lodge Signs Up to DeMolay Crusades


An entire group of Master Masons from Crescent Masonic Lodge No. 419 in Cebu City had signed up to give their collective support to the Order of DeMolay in the Philippines after becoming Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows under the DeMolay Crusades during their stated meeting last week.

DeMolay Legionnaire Jeff Edward Pintac, Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, and DeMolay Chevalier Angelo Mangao, National President of the DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines (DAAP), took the initiative to present on what the DeMolay Centennial Crusades is all about and invited their fellow Brethren to support the Order of DeMolay in the Philippines.

The following Brethren from Crescent Lodge had pledged to become Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows: Brothers Assalym Aurita, Don Austria, Kevin Castillon, Rhomel Caudor, Raymond Juaneza, Eliezer Lao, Brindo Nacario and Paul Pioquinto.

Grand Master Edison Abella of the Supreme Council thanked the Brethren for their contributions and explained that their support will be for the perpetual use of the Order of DeMolay in the Philippines through the establishment of the first ever Philippine DeMolay Trust Fund. GM Abella also tasked the other Executive Officers of the Supreme Council to visit the Masonic Lodges in their regions and even tapped the Jurisdictional Vice Presidents of the DAAP to meet with the DeMolay Alumni Chapters in their areas and present the DeMolay Centennial Crusades in order to sustain the growth and expansion of the DeMolay Movement today and in the future.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier