DeMolay National Congress
under the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines


A webinar series: Part 1 Mental Awareness

July 18, 2020 | 7:30PM via ZOOM

Guest Speaker
Gabriel Sebastian N. Lizada, RPM, MCouns

With our very own

Bro. Datu Pax Ali Sangki-Mangudadatu
National Master Councilor – DeMolay National Congress

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of the people around the globe has been negatively affected, and yet each one has their own unique story to tell.

There has been an increasing rate of people having difficulties in coping with their mental health and some need the guidance of people that is knowledgeable in the field of psychology to help them. This program aims to not only help those who are in distress but to educate all of us, especially in these trying times wherein our physical contact with our friends and peers is limited.

Hence, the DeMolay National Congress presents, “Gabay Sikolohiya” which aims to help and educate DeMolays in the Philippines about Mental Health and its relevance to our survival in difficult times such as this.

How to join the Zoom Meeting?

1. Download ZOOM on your Phone or Laptop.

2. Sign in, use your full name as display name, you can add your Chapter Abbreviation also! (e.g. AAFC, FIC, LLC)

3. Click JOIN meeting and enter the MEETING ID and Password: (To be announced)

4. Make sure to click ‘Join Call’ (laptop) or ‘Call via Device Audio’ (phone) to enable Audio! (Log in 5 minutes before the set time)

5. Sit back, relax, and tell us if you have any questions regarding mental health for us to have a holistic and productive learning session!

6. To register click this link.

Slots are limited to 500 PARTICIPANTS! First come first serve basis so make sure to log in the Zoom Meeting ID early!

You can also view it via the DeMolay National Congress page.

See you there, brethren!

For God! For Country! For DeMolay!