Currently Paris-based, Filipino Senior DeMolay Louie Talents flew in to Manila and donated a copy of his artwork entitled “DEMOLAY 1919 – 2019 to the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center (PDYC) located at the Grand Lodge of the Philippines compound in Ermita.

The freelance artist went to the PDYC yesterday (May 21) and brought an intricate painting which he himself made. The creative piece depicted the history and growth of the Order of DeMolay. It was also Bro. Louie’s expression and dedication of support to the Order’s 100th founding year which was celebrated last May 16 at the PICC and spearheaded by the then Grand Master, Honorable Edison Abella.

On hand to receive the painting at the PDYC were Brother Grand Junior Councilor Albert Manlulu and Ms. Cristina “Ting” M. Sordan, SCOD Executive Director. The occasion was witnessed by Bro. Jesse Preen Valmores (Feliciano Iñigo Chapter), Bro.Angelo H. Gatmaitan (Ambrosio Flores Chapter) and Bro. Jacob “Kobi” Tolentino (Ambrosio Flores Chapter).

During his first-ever visit to the PDYC, Bro. Louie, received from Brother GJC Albert Manlulu a 100th year Philippine DeMolay pin. This elicited a big and happy smile on his face.

He earlier went to International Supreme Council in Kansas City, Missouri and attended the Filipino American-Canadian centennial celebration there and where he also donated the same kind of artwork.

Bro. Louie Talents hails from Cagayan de Oro City and is a senior member of the Wadih C. Saab Chapter. The “Mothers’ Pride Chapter” will hold its 44th founding anniversary come June 21 and Bro. Louie has intimated his desire to attend.

He had art exhibits in various noted galleries and museums in the country as well as in Paris, Canada and Singapore.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier