DeMolay Centennial Crusades Nears Deadline


In line with the 100th Founding Anniversary Celebration of the Order of DeMolay, last minute support to the DeMolay Crusades poured in as several Master Masons, Senior and Active DeMolays signed-up as Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows, Jacques DeMolay Centennial Fellows and Louis Gordon Lower Centennial Fellows, at the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center in Manila. The application and membership period to the DeMolay Centennial Crusades is only up to January 11, 2019.

Hon. EdisonĀ Abella, Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay (SCOD), together with DeMolay Legionnaires Albert Tan and Eric Atanacio, Chairman of the SCOD DeMolay Centennial Anniversary Committee, and Ms. Ma. Cristina Sordan, SCOD Executive Director, recently received additional pledges and sign-up forms from Master Mason Waldrus Riano Frondoza of Kalilayan Chapter, Order of DeMolay and Quezon City Lodge No. 122 as a Frank S. Land Fellow, Brothers Ansen Uy of James J. Wilson Chapter as a Jacques DeMolay Fellow, and Beethoven Moises Go of Wadih C. Saab Chapter and Paul Michael Garcia of Marcelo H. Del Pilar, both as Louis Gordon Lower Fellows.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier