Brother Chevalier Rowan Labro shares some light moments with the Indigenous People (IP) or “katutubo” in three different areas and gave them a happy feel no matter what ones life condition is. “Nakita nila na masaya ang buhay,” Bro. Rowan says.

The “katutubo” recipients were as follows:

* with the Aetas in Zambales for a medical mission, distribution of used clothing and feeding program;

* the Dumagats in Nakar, Quezon for a feeding program, stage renovation, distribution of slippers, school supplies and used clothing;

* the Punduhan ng mga Dumagat at the Angat Watershed Area for a feeding program, and distribution of food and used clothing; and

* the Mangyans in Baco, Mindoro Oriental where a distibution of school supplies and used clothing was done and a feeding program. Brother Rowan with a group of friends from the Crusade Earth Movement annually visit these IPs to reach out. Sometime early next year the group intends to distribute solar lamps to the Dumagats in Nakar, Quezon Province.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier