Brother VW Ben-Hur de la Torre of the Maguindanao Masonic Lodge No. 40 and of the Pioneering Batch of the Wadih C. Saab Chapter in Cagayan de Oro City has been appointed as Associate Bethel Guardian-Pro Tempore of the Job’s Daughters International, Grand Guardian Council of the Philippines.

His appointment was made August 25 during the Miss Philippines Job’s Daughters Turnover Ceremonies at the Maguindano Masonic Temple in Cagayan de Oro City.

The Bethel Guardian Mom Melania Gille, Associate Bethel Guardian VW Rey Peter Gille and their daughter Sis Rizza Mae who is Honored Queen of Bethel 19 are currently in the United States. Due this, the Bethel Guardian Council had to appoint two more pro-tempore posts aside from Brother de la Torre. The Bethel’s Honored Queen – Pro Tempore is Sis Zenniel Jessa Raypon, Bethel Guardian – Pro Tempore is Sis Angelie Jampit.

Miss Philippines Jobs Daughter 2019-2020 Sis Maia Garcia who hails from Davao City who was recently elected as Miss International Jobs Daughters 2019-2020 turned over her crown to Sis Samantha Mati as the new Miss Philippines Job’s Daughter 2019-2020. Sis Samantha is the grand daughter of Brother VW Tomasito Angeles of Lincoln Lodge Masonic Lodge No. 34 in Olongapo City.

The occasion was held at the Maguindano Masonic Temple in Cagayan de Oro City, August 25.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier