In what could have been a quiet day at the PDYC became ecstatic when all of a sudden six (6) Senior DeMolays met unplanned, shared a simple lunch, and roared into laughter as they cracked jokes.

The atmosphere was as if they haven’t seen each other for the longest time. Well, the DeMolay spirit among them was so overwhelming that passersby would glance at their location from the window.

The six were composed of VW Bro. Edward Chua (SCOD Grand Senior Councilor), VW Bro. Mike Perez (SCOD Grand Junior Councilor), VW Bro. Ato Ponce (SCOD Past Grand Orator), Sr. DeMolay Bro. Barry Poliquit (ex-DAAP President), WB Mon Anicete (SCOD Grand Marshal), and WB Tito Cruz (SCOD Past Grand Sentinel).

In between sniggerings, they would discuss about DeMolay matters, their once upon a time experiences as young members of the Order, the upcoming centennial celebrations, and other people, places, and events.

Such was the festive mood on a Friday at the PDYC. Noticeable also were Senior DeMolays who would come and go to purchase items at the DeMolay Store.

Credits to Bro. Tito Cruz, Chevalier