The Life-Changing Experience of Being a DeMolay Leader


The International Order of DeMolay is a fraternal organization that has been helping young men to develop their leadership skills, socialization skills, and camaraderie for more than 100 years. It was founded in 1919 by Frank S. Land, a Mason, who wanted to create an organization that would prepare young men to be better citizens and leaders in their communities. Since then, DeMolay has grown to become one of the largest youth organizations in the world, with chapters in more than 20 countries.

Membership in DeMolay starts at the age of twelve and goes up to the age of 21. Members are organized into local chapters, each of which is led by a Master Councilor and a group of officers elected by the members. These officers are responsible for planning and organizing the activities of the chapter, which include social events, community service projects, and leadership training programs.

For many young men, the experience of being a member of DeMolay is life-changing. It provides a supportive environment in which they can develop important life skills such as time management, communication, public speaking, and teamwork. They also learn about the importance of civic responsibility and community service, as DeMolay encourages its members to be active participants in their communities.

Brother Cody Blake T. Renejane, the incumbent Master Councilor of Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 in Cebu City, is a perfect example of how DeMolay can positively impact the lives of young men. He was first elected to a Chapter position at the age of 15, and despite the daunting task of leading a group of young members of his Chapter while balancing his school academics and active involvement in sports, he successfully managed to fulfill his responsibilities. His experiences as a Junior Councilor and Senior Councilor helped him to develop important leadership skills that ultimately led to his election as the Master Councilor of the Chapter.

Being elected as the Master Councilor is the highest position in the Chapter, and it comes with its own set of challenges. The Master Councilor is responsible for providing guidance and management of the chapter, overseeing chapter membership, publicity programs, and civic programs. However, Brother Cody’s experiences as a Junior and Senior Councilor prepared him well for this role. He has been able to provide effective leadership to the young men of his chapter, helping them to develop their skills and reach their full potential.

Brother Cody’s story is a testament to the impact that DeMolay can have on young men’s lives. The organization provides a platform for young men to develop important life skills and become successful leaders. It also promotes a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie that is hard to find elsewhere. As Brother Cody himself has said, “the Order of DeMolay is the best fraternal organization out there for young men.” He encourages all members of the organization to share the DeMolay experience with young kids in their respective communities and be a light for their successful future.

In conclusion, the International Order of DeMolay is a fraternal organization that has been changing young men’s lives for over a century. Its focus on leadership development, socialization, and civic responsibility has helped countless young men to become successful leaders in their communities. Brother Cody’s story is just one example of the impact that DeMolay can have on a young man’s life.

Credits to Bro. Cody Blake T. Renejane
Edited by Leg. John Louie Marfil, Chev, LOH, PP FDSAC #46