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71st Lodge Anniversary & Medical Mission of Cagayan Valley Lodge No. 133

On July 31,2022 Cagayan Valley Masonic Lodge No.133 celebrated their anniversary through helping others conducting a Medical Mission headed by Worshipful Master, Dad Dante B. Nilo.

In Describing this year’s Celebration, Variety best Defines the Members and Other bodies of CVL masonic family, for their Generous endeavor in this year Celebration, organizing various medical treatments for the barangay of Balintocatoc, that includes free eye check-up, free circumcision for the kids, free dental check-ups and bloodletting some of our brothers donated their blood to help those in need, Brother JC Lance Ballesteros, Brother Nehemiah Daliva, Brother Jimmy Lucqiao and Brother Howard Manuel Expressed that they didn’t hesitate because it as our motto to love and serve our fellowmen, also it was leaded by different medical organization such as Dad Paul Masa Santiago Dental Chapter, Southern Isabel Medical Chapter, Isabela Eye Center, And Phil Red Cross, the event won’t be properly executed without the Helping hands of the other Masonic bodies, Santiago Amarant Court No.12, Bethel No.15 Jobs Daughter, and Cagayan Valley Chapter No.35 Order of DeMolay, Seeing the Community of balintocatoc gratitude towards the event, The Cagayan Valley Masonic family effortlessly finished the Morning Event with a Smile and Satisfied Heart.

Approaching afternoon, The Cagayan Valley Lodge No. 133 also celebrated a feast with different performance and events on ALL K Batal, First Jobs Daughter and DeMolay held an intermission Dance that was appreciated by All Master Masons, And Moms that is present, Dad Anthony C. Calahi was the MC for the said event, Doing it so with an energetic mood.

Moreover, the event was filled with prizes, a lot of Games were presented, Like Stop Dance, Best dancers, Couple of the Nights, and many more. Bro James Labaro showcased his skills on dancing winning a 1500 prize, jobs daughter international also received a whooping 3000 pesos worth of prize as they showcased their skills on Dancing, Also the event won’t be successful without a Good Food, the day was very special as it serves joyment not only for the masonic family of Cagayan Valley, but also to those people who was in need and received help, the day was a very long day but some said they didn’t felt it like that, they wanted to help, for the reason that it was our sworn oath.

It is clear that it is not about only for the benefits of the Chapter, but also for the benefits our Nation will receive, July 31 was indeed a Day we won’t forget, the rest of our life we go, to help to give and to be better, there can be no doubt what the Masonic family did on that Day as they celebrate with Good Actions, Joyment, that helped them to have a Better Relationship, not only to the circle of Masonic Family, But also with the Community of Santiago Itself it gives important values that celebrating a achievement by giving back to others is what God wants it is a purpose Given to us, as one said of our Fellow DeMolays, we do it, FOR GOD! FOR COUNTRY! FOR DEMOLAY and not only for our personal cost, that is how great things get done.

Credits to Bro. Gian Lawrence R. Alvarez