On the 11th of September 2022(Sunday). The Petitioners of Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 and Datu Sawili Chapter No. 64 had their Joint Conferral of Degrees for the Term 2022-B at the Cebu Masonic Hall, Borromeo. This was led by the Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 Master Councilor, Bro Johannes Paolo Pioquinto, KT.

A total of 15 newly conferred brothers received both their Initiatory Degree and DeMolay Degrees on this day. Seven of which were from Lapu-Lapu Chapter No. 5 which were known as the Batch Percival and eight were from Datu Sawili Chapter No. 64 or also known as the Batch Maverick. Senior DeMolays, Dad Masons and Visiting Brethren from various chapters were also present to witness the ceremonies that they have undergone.

It was a memorable moment not only for the officers of the chapter but also to the newly conferred brothers as their efforts in facing various challenges to be worthy of being called a brother of the order has finally paid off. Tears of joy were seen throughout the ceremonies especially during the flower talk where each brethren delivered a heartfelt message to their mothers on how much they appreciate the sacrifices she has made for them. The knowledge and virtues that they have acquired during their petitioning days will continue to linger within their hearts and minds as they venture further to being future leaders of our country and as brothers of the Order of DeMolay.
Credits to Bro. Vincent Sarmiento & Bro. Johannes Paolo Pioquinto, KT