Knighthood at the Heart of Leadership, Chivalry & Service


The 63rd Public Installation of Officers of Thomas Michael Sherry Priory, Order of Knighthood, with the theme: “Knighthood at the Heart of Leadership, Chivalry, Service.” was held last June 3, 2018, at the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center.

The Installing Dignitaries began the ceremonies by receiving the Dignitaries in the East. Dignitaries received were:
Dad Dexter Y. Macrohon – Executive Officer for NCR-North,
Dad Eugene R. Tolentino – Deputy Exec. Officer,
Dad Lemuel L. Garcia – Chairman of the Advisory Council,
Dad Jed Erik L. Bajador – Priory “Dad” Advisor,
Bro. Benjamin Alexander S. Madamba – Asst. Congress Advisor for General Operations,
Bro. Datu Pax Ali S. Mangudadatu – National Master Councilor,
Bro. Vince Edward L. Pintac – National Junior Councilor,
Bro. Jeremy H. Medina – National Congress Secretary,

Bro. Don King D. Magsakay –  Jurisdictional Master Councilor for Luzon,
Bro. Rolf Benj C. Kotik – Jurisdictional Master Councilor for Visayas,
Sis. Jasmine Danielle T. Olay – National DeMolay Sweetheart

The Elected and Appointed Officers entered in formation and was installed one by one at the Altar.

The Elected and Appointed Officers for Term 2018-A.

Elected & Appointed Officers are:
Illustrious Knight Commander: SK Jacob “Kobi” M. Tolentino
Squire Commander: SK Nico Angelo B. Oreiro
Page Commander: SK Vince Patrick O. Marquez
Registrar: SK Jeremy H. Medina
Senior Deacon: SK Lyon Dominic C. Trillanes
Junior Deacon: SK Sean Louie V. Ocampo
Prior: SK Clark Kent G. Jao
Preceptor: SK Ronald Lyon O. Ty, Jr.
Sacristan: SK Jose Ronaldo O. Comia
Standard Bearer: SK Chiollo Jedson J. Chan
Sentinel: SK Don King D. Magsakay

The National Master Councilor, Bro. Datu Pax Ali S. Mangudadatu sharing his inspirational message.

SK Jacob “Kobi” M. Tolentino taking his promises for the office of the Illustrious Knight Commander, given by SK  Ruben Antonio “RJ” F. Melendres Jr., his “kuya” figure in Ambrosio A. Flores Chapter.

The Installing Preceptor, with the direction of the Installing Illustrious Knight Commander, proclaimed the Officers of the Priory duly and regularly installed. Afterwards, the Advisory Council was installed as well.

Dad Eugene R. Tolentino, Deputy Executive Officer for NCR-North, installing the Advisory Council for DeMolay Year 2018.

After the the Illustrious Knight Commander delivered his Inaugural Address, he revealed the Past Illustrious Knight Commander Jewel which he proposed to the Supreme Council recently. As a surprise to the PIKCs present in his Installation, he awarded the said token to them as appreciation for their zealous efforts in their respective terms of office.

Afterwards, the Immediate PIKC, SK Paul Michael V. Garcia, delivered his Valedictory Address. SK Vince Edward L. Pintac, National Junior Councilor and out-going Illustrious Knight Commander of Juan K. Causing Priory in Cebu, also gave his Inspirational Message.

Past Illustrious Knight Commanders awarded the PIKC Jewel.

The Immediate Past Illustrious Knight Commander, SK Paul Michael V. Garcia, delivering his Valedictory Address.

SK Vince Edward L. Pintac, National Junior Councilor and out-going Illustrious Knight Commander of Juan K. Causing Priory, giving his inspirational message.

The Illustrious Knight Commander presented Sis. Beatrice Gayle T. Atanacio, GCC, PWA, PGRep, Grand Recorder of the Grand Assembly of the Philippines, from Perla Assembly No. 1, IORG, as the Priory Queen for Term 2018-A. Afterwards, Sis. Bea gave her acceptance speech.

IKC Kobi Tolentino presenting Sis. Bea Atanacio as Priory Queen.

The Squire Commander, SK Nico Angelo B. Oreiro, gave the introduction of the Guest of Honor and Speaker, Leg. Dad Ericson B. Atanacio, LCC, FMA, BHK, KT, PMC, PNMC, Chev, LOH, Grand Orator and Chairman of the Centennial Anniversary Committee. Dad Eric Atanacio is the mentor of the Illustrious Knight Commander.

Dad Eric Atanacio, the Guest of Honor and Speaker, delivering his message.

Closing the ceremonies, attending bodies were recognized, the three lights awarded certificates and tokens to the people who made the event possible and memorable and Dad Lemuel L. Garcia, Chairman of the Advisory Council, delivered his closing remarks. The Installing Team concluded the installation afterwards.

The Installing Team, composed of past DeMolay National Congress Officers, close friends and Sir Knights from the IKC’s mother Chapter, receiving their Certificates of Appreciation.

Installing Dignitaries were:

Illustrious Knight Commander: SK Ruben Antonio F. Melendres Jr., PMC-MSA, PJMC,

EbonSquire Commander: SK Rino Cef Angelo B. Leal, PMC-MSAPage

Commander: SK Marlon Anthony E. De Vera

Prior: SK Jeffrey C. Mahilum, FMA, BHK, PMC, Chev.

Preceptor: SK Ryan Vincent L. Ancajas, PMC, PJMC, PNCS

Senior Deacon: SK Allan Paul S. Sarangaya, PMC, Ebon

Junior Deacon: SK Bernard Emmanuel V. Dy, PMC, PNJC, PNSC

Herald: SK Paolo M. Magbanua, PMC, PIKC, PNMC, Ebon

Dad Eric Atanacio, the Guest of Honor and Speaker, receiving his certificate and token. Dad Eric Atanacio is the prestige mentor of the Illustrious Knight Commander.

Ambrosio A. Flores Chapter, Quezon City, full-support to their second ever Illustrious Knight Commander produced. Included in the picture is Dad Garry P. Pasiona, the Chapter’s first IKC (2002-A), wearing white (far-right).

PROUD PARENTS. The Illustrious Knight Commander with Mom Jhett Tolentino and Dad Gene Tolentino.

Credits to SK Jacob “Kobi” M. Tolentino.