In a heartwarming display of camaraderie and unity, Filipino DeMolays from across the globe converged in Phoenix, Arizona, for a memorable reunion. The occasion was not only the DeMolay International session but also a cherished opportunity for brethren from the United States and Canada to reconnect with their counterparts from the Philippines.

The event was graced by the presence of Grand Master Raymund Joseph Ian “Raji” O. Mendoza, who led the Filipino contingent. Joining him were other notable DeMolays, including Deputy Grand Master Albert V. Manlulu, Grand Junior Councilor Eric Atanacio, Grand Standard Bearer Joy Flores, and Deputy SGR for DeMolay International Ricarte Abejuela III.
The gathering was further enriched by the attendance of Grand Representatives from various states, each eager to rekindle the spirit of brotherhood that lies at the heart of the DeMolay experience. Among the distinguished guests were Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Hawaii MW Ani Lontoc, National Master Councilor Fred Atanacio, and National Senior Councilor Joaquin Echeverria.

Adding to the diversity and warmth of the assembly were Grand Guardian of Job’s Daughters International of the Philippines Sis Pam Magbanua and Grand Representative for Southern California, Brother La Verne Francisco, who is also a leader in the Filipino American Senior DeMolay Association.
As the second day of the reunion drew to a close, the group engaged in the traditional Filipino fellowship. Filled with hope and passion, the attendees reveled in the evening, reminiscent of the brotherhood and chivalry of yore. Their shared dreams for a brighter and better future for DeMolay Philippines and the Order of DeMolay as a whole were palpable in the air.

This historic gathering in Arizona was a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and the shared values that unite DeMolays worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences. It was a celebration of brotherhood, leadership, and service, setting the stage for a promising future for the Order of DeMolay.
Credits to: DeMolay Philippines FB
Edited by: Bro. John Louie Marfil, Chev., LOH, Filipino DeMolay Singapore DAC #46, PP