Anti-Hazing Act of 2018


As we aim to end cases of unfortunate deaths caused by violent initiation rights, the Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 prohibits all forms of hazing and regulates all forms of initiation affiliated to gaining membership in a school or community-based fraternity, sorority or organization.

Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 which was signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on June 29, 2018, that provides for stricter provisions against any and all forms of hazing and higher penalties for violation thereof. However, certain provisions of the stated law require further clarification and/or understanding in order to fully ensure that no provision of the law will be violated by any officer of the Supreme Council or member of the Order of DeMolay.

In view of this and in accordance with the guidance from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay is hereby suspending the petitioning/orientation period for new applicants and all Degree Works (Initiatory and DeMolay) in any stage therein, including the conferrals of said Degrees, for any and all petitioners of DeMolay Chapters and Knighthood Priories, effective immediately.


  1. Good day Brethren,

    Would any petitions and orientations of SCOD and chapters be still on hold as of this time?
    Heard some news that other affiliated bodies have ceased suspensions and initiations have resumed.

    Could you shed some light and update.


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