The Jose Abad Santos Chapter of the National Capital Region and Semper Fidelis Chapter of Batangas City jointly hosted the recently concluded Luzon Jurisdictional DeMolay Floorworks Seminar 2020. The said event happened last September 12 and 13, 2020, via Zoom live conference.

The two-day seminar was aimed at helping DeMolay brethren grasp and understand the different ritual floorworks of the Order. This was intended specially to those brethren who never got the chance to immerse themselves in the intricacies of the floorworks, because of the cancellation of chapter stated meetings, owing to the various quarantine lockdowns and restrictions, brought about by the pandemic.

A total of 122 brethren belonging to different chapters from the jurisdiction of Luzon registered, attended, and participated in the said seminar. Aside from the registered attendees from the Luzon chapters, the seminar also generated guest participation from brethren belonging to DeMolay chapters from New York and Canada.

Moreover, the Grand Line Officers of the Supreme Council Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines were also in attendance to witness the two-day event. The Supreme Council Order of DeMolay attendees were led by the Grand Master himself, Hon. Adriano B. Durano III, together with the Grand Junior Councilor Hon. Albert V. Manlulu, Chev., and Hon. Ericson B. Atanacio, Chev., LOH, the Jurisdictional Deputy Grand Master for Luzon. In addition to the Grand Line Officers, the Executive Officers of the jurisdictions, where the two host chapters belong to, were also present, namely Dad Giancarlo George V. Yorobe, Chev., for NCR-North and Dad Florante B. Comia, Chev., LOH, for Region IV-D Batangas, respectively.

Top caliber and proficient speakers from the membership of the Thomas Michael Sherry Priory, Order of Knighthood, based in the National Capital Region, were instrumental in supervising and facilitating the above mentioned floorworks seminar.

Credits to Bro. Alvin Llanderal, Chev., LOH