GJC Perez Represents SCOD in New Year Courtesy Call to MW Momo in DAAP


DeMolay Legionnaire Michael Francis M. Perez, Grand Junior Councilor of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay (SCOD), led the SCOD delegation during the New Year Courtesy Call to MW Romeo S. Momo, Grand Master of Masons, and Sister Eleanor Momo, held last January 3, 2019 at the Aguinaldo Hall of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in Manila.

The other representatives of the Supreme Council present were Brother Legionnaire Arthur Allan Ponce, Sis Jasmine Danielle Olay, National DeMolay Congress Sweetheart; and Brother Jeremy H. Medina, National DeMolay Congress Secretary.

The affair was attended by the GLP’s Grand Line Officers and their ladies, District and Lodge Officers with their ladies, and the Heads of Masonic Appendant and Allied Organizations with their spouses.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier