Grand Master of Masons Becomes a DeMolay Centennial Knight


MW Romeo S. Momo, Grand Master of Masons, showed his full support to the Order of DeMolay by becoming an elite member of the Grand Master’s Centennial Knight and a Life Member of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay.

The Grand Master’s Centennial Knight is part of the DeMolay Crusades, which are once-in-a-lifetime membership categories offered for a limited period to a select group of individuals and organizations, who champion the worthy cause of character building and leadership development among the youth and are willing to make an investment to their future. The other membership categories are the Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows for Master Masons, Jacques DeMolay Centennial Fellows for Senior DeMolays, and Louis Gordon Lower Centennial Fellows for Active DeMolays. The DeMolay Crusades is one of the major projects and activities of the Supreme Council in support of the worldwide celebration of the 100th Year or Centennial Founding Anniversary of the International Order of DeMolay in March 2019.

MW Momo personally handed over his membership donation to Hon. Edison Abella, Grand Master, and Hon. Victor Antonio T. Espejo, Immediate Past Grand Master, of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay on June 25, 2018 at the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in Manila. As a gesture of his appreciation, Grand Master Abella presented to MW Momo an intricate wooden replica of the DeMolay Altar. Those who witnessed the brief event were VW Melvin Mallo, Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, and VW Jose Roncevalles, Chief of Staff of the Office of the Grand Master. VW Mallo and VW Roncevalles have also signed up as Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows.

Donations from the DeMolay Crusades shall establish the first ever Philippine DeMolay Trust Fund that aims to promote and sustain the growth and expansion of the DeMolay Movement in the Philippines in the next 100 years.