Tree Planting Activity
A joint environmental project with Dad Macario R. Ramos Sr. Demolay Alumni No. 14 and Narra Assembly No. 16. It was a thrilling experience. We underwent a two and a half hike just to reach the place where we can plant the seedlings. Even though we are all tired, the hard work really paid off because we help to conserve our environment.
We would like to thank the foresters in Villa Floresta who guided us during our climb and assisted us on planting the seedlings.
To Bro Alvin Moreno, Bro/Dad Ruel Tomas and Sis/Mom Agnes Tomas your initiative, time and support is very appreciated, our gratitude  are yours. And for those who are not mentioned thank you also!
Conserving and protecting our environment is a must because we only have one home and this is the earth!
Credits to Bro. Miguel Raagas