Excerpts from the message of Hon. Edison Abella During the Re-Dedication of PDYC


Excerpts from the message of Hon. Edison Abella:
“Today marks a milestone in the Order of DeMolay as we celebrate, in thanksgiving, the spiritual re-dedication of the newly renovated Philippine DeMolay Youth Center or PDYC building. The original structure was destroyed by fire in the year 2000 and it was through the leadership and initiative of MW Rosendo C. Herrera, then-Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, that the present PDYC building was constructed in 2001.

Thank you, Dad Herrera and Mom Ching Herrera for ensuring that we will always have a home. But after more than 15 years of use, the PDYC building was already due for a much-needed makeover. The renovation and improvement of its offices and facilities were also done in order to address the current needs of our brethren, making it more functional, relevant and interactive for the use of DeMolay and Supreme Council members and even by visitors with very limited knowledge about DeMolay. The renovation of the building also comes at a time when the Order of DeMolay will be celebrating its 100 years or Centennial Founding Anniversary worldwide in 2019.

The Supreme Council would like to thank the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines, through MW Abraham N. Tolentino, for their continued financial support that primarily covered for the major repairs and regular maintenance of the PDYC building. We, at the Supreme Council, look forward to a more productive and collaborative relationship with the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines in the coming months and years.

We would also like to thank the following Master Masons, who had personally contributed to partially shoulder the costs of replacing certain equipment such as air-conditioning units and LCD monitors, or providing for new bulletin boards and photo galleries, among others: SCOD Past Grand Master Ace Espejo, Grand Secretary and SCOD Past Grand Master Sonny Leviste, Grand Treasurer and SCOD Past Grand Master Riezl Reyes, Grand Senior Councilor Edward Chua, Brother Albert Tan, Brother Joel Chan, Brother Raji Mendoza, Brother Jhayson Albelda and the Cham Chua Foundation, Given the all-out support that you have shown, I felt it was in keeping with our bayanihan spirit that the renovation of the office of the Grand Master be charged to my personal account.

I am donating the new office and its furnishings to the Supreme Council after my term as Grand Master ends.

In closing, I would like to thank all of you for coming and witnessing this event.”