DeMolays Join GLP Tree Planting Project at La Mesa Ecopark


The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines, under the leadership of MW Romeo S. Momo, Grand Master of Masons, approved the “Plant a Million Trees and Save the Environment Project” on June 14, 2018.

The first nationwide and simultaneous tree planting activity, which was participated by all Masonic Lodges and appendant bodies all over the country, was conducted on June 24, 2018. In the National Capital Region, Master Masons and their families joined the tree planting activity that was organized at La Mesa Ecopark located in Novaliches, Quezon City.

The Order of DeMolay in the Philippines headed the call to “Plant a Million Trees and Save the Environment” of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, thus, Hon. Edison Abella, Grand Master of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay, led the group of Active and Senior DeMolays/Master Masons, who joined the tree planting activity at La Mesa Ecopark. DeMolay Chapters in the other parts of the country also supported their respective sponsoring bodies/ Masonic Lodges in the implementation of the “Plant a Million Trees and Save the Environment Project” with tree planting activities in their localities.