DeMolay is a large community in itself. We strongly encourage each of you to use these tools to communicate gloablly with others involved in DeMolay. Furthermore, we are supported by many appendent organizations. These organizations are vital to the continuance of our organization and we strongly encourage your particiaption within them.
DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines or DAAP
The DeMolay Alumni Association of the Philippines or DAAP is the national umbrella organization of 53 currently recognized DeMolay Alumni Chapters nationwide and abroad (as of August 1, 2013) and its members are DeMolays who have attained the majority age of 21 years. These Senior DeMolays continue to owe allegiance to the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay of the Republic of the Philippines and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Order of DeMolay.
The Order of Knighthood is an appendent organization of Older DeMolays. The Knighthood program is for active DeMolays between 17 and 21 years of age who are organized into a subordinate unit known as a Priory with its own officers and ritual.
A Court of Chevaliers may be formed with the authorization of the Executive Officer on either a jurisdictional, regional or Chapter level. The Court must be made up entirely of Chevaliers. All Chevaliers should be active, in that they have participated in their last observance and have mailed the required observance report to the Service and Leadership Center.
The Legion of Honor was founded for the purpose of bringing together a select few out of the millions who have knelt at the altar of DeMolay. Legion of Honor recipients must have actively demonstrated outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor, whether it be a civic, professional, fraternal or spiritual arena. It consists of men who can be implicitly relied upon, as the years pass, to aid young men in carrying the ideals of DeMolay into every walk of life.