Continuously improving amidst the hardships we face“; CAGAYAN VALLEY CHAPTER’S 51ST PUBLIC INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS

The planning for the elections of the officers of this chapter was already being discussed several months before the installation of officers, and the officers of Cagayan Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay No. 35’s 2021–2022 term is about to come to a close. The last Stated meeting for the 2021–2022 term, led over by SK. Earl John Lywin Palay PMC, KT, took place on May 29, 2022. The main event of the stated meeting was the term elections of the officers, which were held at the Cagayan Valley Lodge on the same day. As soon as the election was over, the newly chosen and appointed officers got to work planning everything that would be needed for the upcoming installation of officers. They also gave each member a task that they are willing and capable of doing. After several months, the planning for the upcoming event is going well and is almost finished and the upcoming Installation is also getting close.

Given that the installation is only a few days away and that all the members of this chapter are working on the very last task, the materials that will be used for the next elections are being set up early. DeMolays, Sisters, Masons, Parents, and friends will be in town for this important day. The Cagayan Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay No. 35 will surely make history on this occasion. The installation was well-prepared thanks to the efforts of many people who worked, planned, donated, raised money, practiced, participated in activities, attended meetings, and to those who contributed most of their time to the preparation of this big event.

The Big Day has finally come, the Cagayan Valley Chapter No. 35 Order of DeMolay 51st Public Installation Ceremony of Elected and Appointed Officers with a theme “Dauntlessly Embracing the Morals of the Order through our Learned and Active Yearning”. Brother Joshua Lory Mandigma, PMC, presided over the opening portion of the program, which featured the entrance of the installing dignitaries. Dad Allen Agustin then gave the opening remarks after the ceremony visitation. The official start of the Installation Ceremony and Proclamation has been made.

The Cagayan Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay No. 35 has elected Zac Justice Dadulla to serve as its new Master Councilor after he demonstrated his willingness, aptitude, dedication, and deservingness for the job. Along with his officers and other Order members, he also revealed his strategies for achieving success in all of this. expressing his gratitude to everyone for their unwavering support and presence in his time of need. In his Valedictory Adress, SK Earl John Lywin Palay PMC, KT, discussed his experiences as a Master Councilor with those in attendance at the Installation. He learned a lot from his time in that position and inspired his brothers to keep fighting and never give up. He has consistently demonstrated his love for his Chapter and the Order of DeMolay, and despite his busy schedule, he has always stood by his brothers.

Inspirations’ presentation demonstrates Filial Love. They are inspired by and proud of their parents, who serve as their source of inspiration in whatever they accomplish. The Ceremony of Lights, performed by SK Louie Marc Macato, reflects the order’s seven cardinal virtues. The Flower Talk, performed by SK Earl John Lywin Palay, PMC, KT, emphasizes the virtue of Filial Love, which is the love of one’s family and parents. The Father Talk, performed by Bro. Zac Justice Dadulla has shown how our fathers helped us grow into men. Bro. Lance Ronan Ballesteros gave the guest honor’s introduction, gave the speaker’s speech, and read the message. Hon. Arlene Alvarez-Reyes and Jigs Miranda gave us insightful advice and lessons we can apply, and in light of the things we do to improve our community, they will fully support our order.

The certificates and acknowledgments of the Visiting chapters, Bethels, Guest Speakers, and others were distributed as the Installation program came to a finish. Now comes Dad Romulo A. Bumagat’s closing remarks. The most anticipated moment of the Cagayan Valley Chapter No. 35 Order of DeMolay 51st Public Installation Closing Ceremony is when the installing dignitaries and then the dignitaries in the east, retire followed by the newly appointed and elected officers retire.

As Sir Knight Earl John Lywin Palay PMC, KT was giving the last part of his valedictory address, he answered the question of Bro Lance Ballesteros Newly Elected Junior Councilor, “Why are we the best fraternity?”. “Look at your surroundings, that’s the answer you are looking for”, he said. Our surroundings are full of our worthy brothers from different chapters. Supporting us and giving their best wishes to our chapter, lights, and appointed officers, for a successful term ahead. That’s brotherhood and that’s what keeps us going. Last July 16, 2022, Cagayan Valley Chapter No. 35’s 51st Public Installation of Officers was successful and so far, it was the best installation and has the greatest number of visitors in Region II-A.

Credits to Bro. Josh Vincent G. Villaluz & Bro. Veejay Lawrence C. Olaño