Crossing Borders to Support DeMolay in the Philippines


Master Masons from other jurisdictions abroad came to Manila to personally make a commitment to support the noble and worthy mission of the Order of the DeMolay in the Philippines and, at the same time, become involved in the worldwide celebration of the 100th Year or Centennial Founding Anniversary of the International Order of DeMolay in March 2019. The Order of DeMolay is an international youth organization with the vision and goal of building good character and teaching leadership skills among young boys, from ages 12-21 years old, thus, making them good sons, better men, responsible citizens and able leaders for the future.

W. Brother Lai Tuck Weng of Baden Powell Lodge No. 929 IC in Hong Kong became a Grand Master Centennial Knight while Brother Alvin P. Pangilinan of the Square and Compass Grand Lodge of Japan No. 3 in Tokyo signed up as a Frank S. Land Centennial Fellow. Grand Master Edison Abella of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay personally received their support at the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center in Manila.

Since March 2018, Master Masons, Senior and Active DeMolays, have been gradually pledging and committing their support to the Order of DeMolay in the Philippines as they sign up as Frank S. Land Centennial Fellows (for Master Masons), Jacques DeMolay Centennial Fellows (for Senior DeMolays), and Louis Gordon Lower Centennial Fellows (for Active DeMolays) under the DeMolay Crusades of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay.

The DeMolay Crusades are once-in-a-lifetime membership categories that allow Masons and DeMolays to show their continued support and commitment to the Order of DeMolay in the Philippines by making an investment to its future. Donations to the DeMolay Crusades shall establish the first ever Philippine DeMolay Trust Fund that aims to promote and sustain the growth and expansion of the DeMolay Movement in the Philippines in the next 100 years.

For more information, please contact the Executive Director of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay at the Philippine DeMolay Youth Center in Manila.

Credits to Bro. Barry Poliquit, Chevalier